IH2 Azzurra
Dexterous robotic hand.
The right tool for you.
Not sure? Discover all the capabilities of IH2 Azzurra. The completely open source research platform.

Mia Hand:
Upper limb prosthesis.
The first upper limb prosthesis to be externally customizable. Design, without sacrificing performance. Would you like to take a closer look?

Collaborative robotics
and automation.
Not only robotic hands, also robotics for Industry 4.0.
Discover the section dedicated to robotics and our partners HOMBERGER and DOOSAN ROBOTICS.

Who we are /
What we do /
What we do /
Robotics & automation
What we do /
Who we are /
We are a young team, with complementary skills and able to offer reliable and innovative products and services.
What else?
Prensilia is a dynamic reality, straddling research and product development.
We strongly believe in interdisciplinarity and collaboration as main drivers of innovation and technological advancement. We develop, for us and for our customers, mechatronic devices based on the most advanced design and production techniques, thanks to which our solutions achieve unique characteristics.
Our team offers expertise in the major fields of engineering, such as mechanical, electronic, biomedical, software and regulatory.
What we do /

We created Mia Hand. How?
Mia Hand: born to be able.
Prensilia dealt for years with the development of medical devices, thus gaining experience and know how in terms of qualified design, identification of reliable suppliers, controlled production. Our flagship device is Mia Hand, a multi-articulated myoelectrically controlled prosthetic hand which is the perfect synthesis of Prensilia’s strengths.
A highly integrated device, with a high degree of miniaturization that can be reached only though innovation- and multidisciplinarity-based approaches.
What we do /
Robotics & automation

Some people say robots.
We say cobots!
We believe in collaboration, not only with robots.
Automation is the future of industrial production. Even the most complex processes will be automated in the future. This will improve the quality of products, but more importantly, the quality of life of the people involved in their production.
The robotic automation systems developed by Prensilia are collaborative, and they are designed with the idea of combining the best abilities of humans and robots.
What we do /

Dear researcher,
we want you.
Looking for robotic hands?
We have them.
Founded by researchers, for research. Since its establishment, Prensilia worked in the R&D field both directly, in the development of new technologies and innovative devices, and indirectly, offering its robot hands as research platforms for third parties. Over the years, Prensilia has established valuable partnerships with the best research institutes in the world.
Thanks to their unique characteristics, our robotic hands and our devices act as enabling technologies that allow researchers to minimize setup times and focus on the scientific aspects of their work.