IH2 AZZURRA HAND by prensilia, robotic hands prensilia

Research platform

IH2 Azzurra.

robotic hand.

Self-contained robotic hand with all functional components (actuators, sensors and control electronics) embedded in its palm and its under-actuated fingers. Its high number of degrees of freedom and its integrated force sensors allow to carry out different types of grips and detect when an object is grasped. The hand comes with a simple communication interface (UART over USB or Bluetooth). Several mechanical interfaces are available on request (for robot arms from UR, FRANKA, KUKA, as well as QDW from Ottobock).

The small size makes IH2 Azzurra the perfect research tool for clinical studies involving amputees also during daily life activities. It is the perfect tool to test and validate human-machine interfaces (either invasive or non-invasive) and control (EMG, ENG, EEG) and sensory feedback systems. Not only! Thanks to its light weight and the anthropomorphic shape, it is also suitable as collaborative end-effector for robotic arms with limited payload.
IH2 Azzurra is the perfect research platform for humanoid robotics, ergonomics, human-robot interaction, control algorithms.


Weight > 640 g
Size > 102 x 45 x 213 mm
Grasp force (Cyl, Lat) > 35 N, 7 N
Degrees of actuation/freedom > 5/11
Flexion/Extension time > 1 s
Adduction/Abduction time > 1 s
Coupled fingers > Ring/Little



Power supply > 9V @ 5A peak
Communication > UART over USB or Bluetooth

Control system
and sensors

PID controllers > Position, current, force * (1 kHz) 
Pre-settable grasps > 10 
Position sensors (digital) > 5 (1000 pulse/deg)
Motor current sensors (analog) > 5 (1 mA, 10 bits) 
Limit switches (digital): 10 
Force sensors (analog)*> 4 (~200 mN, 10 bits)

* tendon tension sensors on thumb, index, middle and ring/little fingers available on request

IH2 Azzurra

Dimensions are shown in hover.

Front view

Lateral view

Let’s share!

Open source
leads to
open minds.

Sharing is caring. We believe in collaboration. In the ability to work with common tools.

That’s why we created IH2 Azzurra as an open research platform.

To date, IH2 Azzurra has been used in more than 30 research centres around the world for cutting-edge studies on robotics, prosthetics, human-machine interfaces, neurosciences, and more.

Catch the innovation.

Yes, with IH2 Azzurra

Do you want to try IH2 Azzurra?

Are you interested in IH2 AZZURRA for your research project? Contact us and ask us for more info, we will be happy to answer all your questions.